I think a lot of people like to drink and act rebellious for the sake of being able to wake up the next morning and blame it on the drink. The amount of times I've witnessed people acting 'Drunk and Disorderly' getting into fights or being sick all over them self is more than i can remember. Drink results in a lot of people making a complete fool of them self.
I am happy to say that I have never got drunk and been sick all over myself or got into unnecessary trouble, and i don't intend to.
Alcohol can bring on seriously damaging outcomes. People that get too drunk often get into fights or think their stable enough to get behind the wheel of a car and end up harming, or even killing someone. Its incidents like these that force society to connect bad things with drinking alcohol. My advice is feel free to enjoy your alcohol, but know you limits and make sure your actions don't effect or spoil other peoples night out.
If what i said doesn't encourage yo to be wiser about drink then maybe watching the clip below will.
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